"My objective is to enhance the talent pool in Yorkshire to such an extent that individuals do not have to seek development in other areas, resulting in increased investment back into
Yorkshire & the Humber"

Will Turner
Director, Haiku Learning

It still amazes us when we talk to our peers about L&D and it's often met with perplexed looks accompanied with a question of “what’s L&D? Do you mean training?” you can almost hear every learning professional around the globe gasp in unity, horrified at the claim; training is most definitely a part of what we do but not always the solution to a problem, let us explain…

So to answer the first part of the question about L&D, the L stands for Learning, here at Haiku we first learn about you and your unique challenges, processes, and overarching business goals usually revealing gaps in skill and knowledge. D stands for Development, we will Develop your people in such a way so they can find their own solutions to these challenges; by filling the skill gaps, together we will nurture individuals to develop encouraging them to strategically think and streamline processes. By aligning the individual's, team/department, and business goals we can almost guarantee robust learning solutions that will improve individuals, reduce attrition, improve productivity and ultimately ensure a business thrives.

OK, let's break down that second part, "do you mean training?" No, no we do not mean training. Training is not the same as Learning - but what’s the difference? There is no denying that they are both interlinked but have very unique aspects.

Learning is acquiring new knowledge, skills through various means. It's a more general term that encompasses a wide range of activities including formal education, informal learning, and self-directed learning. Training is the process of teaching a specific skill or knowledge to improve performance in a specific area and is usually facilitated by a trainer or coach who can provide feedback to the learner; training can take place in a formal setting, such as a classroom or workplace, or informally through on-the-job training or mentorship.

Our experts are experienced with creating content for a myriad of different LMS (Learning Management Systems) using curation tools such as Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop and Articulate Storyline and Rise. We've delivered learning initiatives to thousands of people five different continents (four in one day!), both in person and remotely but equally have provided local personalised Instructor Led Training (ILT) workshops to groups as small as 3 and also on an individual basis.

With over a decade of experience within the L&D industry, successfully delivering truly global initiatives across Europe, North/Central/South America, Oceania, and Asia trust Haiku Learning with your L&D needs and let us turn those headaches into exceptional learning solutions.

We're certain we'll be able to help no matter the size of the project in hand.


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